Incontinence Irritation Testimonials

Certain medical conditions can create irregular and uncontrollable bowel movements which in turn can affect skin conditions. The buildup of urine and feces can cause irritation and discomfort which if not properly monitored can lead to more serious skin conditions. To alleviate and minimize the effect on skin, Formula 2 Skin Care Cream contains three powerful waxes that serve as strong barriers. In addition, the high concentration of mineral oil infuses the necessary moisture to alleviate any irritation that is existent. Lastly, the right amount of sodium borate and sodium stearate are added to eliminate yeast buildup and generate the right pH balance necessary to bring your skin back to normal. Try Formula 2 today. You will be pleased with the results.
"This is the most amazing cream I have ever used. I have suffered with rashes from bowel issues all my life, and when the pharmacist told me to try it last night I was willing to try anything. I am here to tell you that it is healed. Thanks for this great product. I will never use anything else..." - Anonymous
"I heard you on 105.9 radio today - I live in Rehoboth and wanted to call in but no time. Wanted to tell you that my dermatologist in Dover recommends Formula 2 for very dry skin-in writing- to help heal very dry skin & dry skin rash/patches. YOURS was one of the ones he recommends out of the hundreds out there. And it was IN writing so I was impressed to learn this product was developed locally. Good luck - Dr.'s name is Dr. XXXXX on XXXX St. in Dover. PS It truly is a fabulous product!" - Anonymous
"I was told to order Formula 2 by my Doctor. I had been trying to heal a wound on the upper thighs, and they would bleed and pop open, I had Home health care come in for 6 years. I finally moved closer to my family and went to this wound care specialist who recommended Formula 2, and much to my amazement I am healed. I am totally happy. I am now using it for the ankle area because I have stone coming thru my legs from my kidney stones. So I have to reorder. I recommend this to everyone. Please at least give it a try. I tried everything." - Anonymous