History of Formula 2 Skin Care

1988 - Our founder, Mark Isabella, worked as a pharmacist for a small independent chain of pharmacies in Delaware. One day, he whipped up a skin care cream that he shared with the owner of the company. A few weeks later his boss got a friction rash in his inner thigh while walking around in New York City on a hot summer day. He remembered that Mark had given him the cream in a small unmarked jar and so he applied it to the rash on his legs.
The following day, Mark's boss told him that the cream had worked miraculously. His rash was completely gone and his skin was smooth. So he asked him to mass produce it and put it into all 26 stores that he owned at the time.
That same day, when Mark went home he called his dad - Sam Isabella, who had taught him the cream formula - and shared with him the events that occurred. Together, they decided to improve the formula by removing some unnecessary components and adding some better ones. They then asked each other, "What should we call it?" Mark replied, "Well, it's the second formula of the original product. Why don't we call it Formula 2 Skin Care Cream?"

And so, our product was born. Mark and his dad incorporated under MSI Enteprises, Inc., designed the packaging for the product and began producing it for sale at his employer's local pharmacies. Local customers would always come to Mark's pharmacy to let him know about all the different ways they were using Formula 2 and how powerfully effective it was. For a long time, the product was only sold locally.
Then in 2013, Mark and his family decided it was time to take the product national. He had received so much positive feedback from local customers, doctors and nurses that he knew it was time to expand. So now, Formula 2 is sold online, through retail pharmacies, to hospitals, and other healthcare facilities across the country. We are on a mission to become a household name. We are glad you are here visiting our website and hope you too will experience the amazing power of Formula 2 Skin Care Cream.

If you live in the northeast, you may spot our FJ Cruiser riding around!

You might also find our product on our counter display at your local participating independent pharmacy.