Bed Sores Testimonials

Bed sores or pressure ulcers can result from a lack of mobility combined with the loss of moisture and elasticity in the skin. Adding Formula 2 Skin Care Cream to your skin care protocol for pressure ulcers can help minimize their occurrence. Its powerful combination of moisturizer and barrier protection ingredients helps induce elasticity to the skin while minimizing friction from surfaces.
"I have been using Formula 2 since I went to the Wound. Care Center in Wilmington. It is great for my dry skin and it healed all of my bed sores. When my skin gets dry and starts itching...Formula 2 is the only thing that takes away the itching. I can't believe I had never heard of Formula 2 until I went to the Wound Care Center. I now tell everyone about Formula 2." - Beverly Schmidt, Delaware
"We began using Formula 2 for my husband's hands, that were cracked with lacerations and deep wounds that bled. Formula 2 is the only cream on the market that actually healed his hands....When my children were babies, we used Formula 2 for diaper rash and it healed the problem overnight....I have been using Formula 2 on the fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes and can see drastic results." - D. Dillon, Maryland
"Formula 2 was used on one of our Hospice patient's sacral 2 decubitus ulcers with amazing results. It totally healed the ulcer within a few weeks and I am now trying it on other patients. I call it the Miracle Cream!!!" - Louise Bright, RN - Douglas Gardens Hospice - An Affiliate of The Miami Jewish Home & Hospital for the Aged