Eczema/Psoriasis Testimonials

Eczema and Psoriasis are very complicated conditions. They can be present due to hereditary traits, allergic reactions, sensitivity to certain foods, and many other reasons. While Formula 2 Skin Care Cream does not heal the underlying conditions causing eczema or psoriasis, our powerful yet gentle ingredients can help alleviate some of the symptoms – including redness, irritation, scaling and itching. Try it for yourself today and see the difference it can make.

"Formula 2 is an excellent product. I use it on itchy, dry skin and hands, rashes and even eczema. It is very soothing to use on dry skin and really works for my husband and son's dry skin. I recommended it to a girlfriend for her rash. It healed the rash very quickly and she now uses it for her family. I work in a doctor's office and recommend using Formula 2 because it works!" - M. McCants, Delaware
"I use Formula 2 personally and find it works wonders for very dry skin & chapped hands. My patients love the way it helps their eczema and helps prevent diaper rash." - Dr. C. Taylor, M.D. - Pediatrician
"I have used Formula 2 on my daughter since she was an infant. It is the best healing cream for diaper rash and for when her infant eczema flares up. I recommend it to every new parent." - K. Nicholson, R. Ph.
"I was being treated by a dermatologist for psoriasis of the feet. My feet were cracked and bleeding. I used several products containing steroids for years. Nothing ever cleared up my condition. I was using Formula 2 on my hands and started using it on my feet nightly. Within 1 week there was an amazing difference. I have been using Formula 2 for 10 years and if I miss one day of treatment I notice a difference." - A. Kelley, Delaware
"I have to let you folks know I have pretty bad psoriasis. So bad that the skin on my fingers, hands, elbows and ankles dry up, turn scaly and crack and bleed. I tried everything that's out there. Prescription and over the counter.... nothing worked. A friend of mine has the same condition I do, his cleared up and I asked him how and he told me about Formula 2. I tried it and within 2 or 3 days it started to clear up. It doesn't cure it but it cleared it up for 8 months now. No more painful splitting of the skin or embarrassing red dry patches and sometimes bleeding. Thank you so much. ps. Don't stop making Formula 2. If you do I want to know I will buy a case." - J. Searcy, Delaware
"My sister-in-law gave me a bottle of Formula 2 skin care to use on my psoriasis. After having psoriasis for 49 years and using everything there is to use, I was skeptical of another treatment. However, I tried it and found it to be the best product I have used, yet. It doesn't cure psoriasis, but my scaling is gone and they have faded into the background. Finally I can wear short sleeves again. Best of all, it's all natural and very inexpensive. Thank you for a great product." - C Downes, Oklahoma